Every Tuesday in-store Pet Planet Members save 30% on Small Smoked Bones!
An In-Store Staple
Smoked Bone Tuesday is Pet Planet’s oldest Value Day at over 20 years!
Dave's Bones
Dave’s Bones, the supplier of our Smoked Bone Tuesday bones, is a Canadian business that has been a wonderful and trusted brand partner to Pet Planet since 1998.
Dave’s Bones was one of Pet Planet’s very first brand partners at the beginning of our journey and has provided a tremendous amount of support over the years.
Dave and Joey
These bones are loved by many furry shoppers.
Aloha at Pet Planet Kensington
Pet Planet Riverbend Square
Beans at Pet Planet Primrose
Why Choose These Bones?
100% naturally smoked using hickory chips.
They help support dental health and mental stimulation.
They freeze well, so you can stock up for the week!