Your pet’s genetics influence your pet’s behaviour. Pet genetics are the study of hereditary traits that are passed down through the generations.
Every pet inherits a unique mix of genes from their parents. This has an influence on the health, behaviour, and physical characteristics of your pet. This can help us to have an idea of what to expect from our pets in terms of health predispositions and behavioural traits. Some believe that 60-70% of dog behaviour is linked to breed variations.
When you are considering a breed of cat or dog, take the time to research the breed and the behavioural traits. For example, if the breed is independent, they may be harder to train. Another consideration is if the breed requires more exercise than others. Behavioural issues can stem from boredom. If you don’t have the time to exercise your pet, then issues like destructive behaviour may become a problem.
Training and Behaviour
Shaping your pet’s behaviour takes time and it takes lots of patience. Spending time with your pet helps them understand what good habits you expect from them, and what ones you don’t are important.
- Healthy pet food and nutritious treats are the basis of behaviour. Your pet’s behaviour can be affected by diet. So, feeding your pet a high quality, nutrient dense diet is important.
- Daily exercise is necessary for your pet’s physical and mental health. Regular exercise can help to improve behaviour, social skills, and reduce boredom and anxiety.
- Consistent training when it comes to pet conduct is key because it will help your pet to understand what you expect of them.
- Consistency in commands, rewards, and routine is crucial for success in training your pet.
- Keeping training sessions short and regular are the key to success.
- Challenge your pet to learn new commands, tricks, and even offering puzzle toys to provide even more mental stimulation can help mentally challenge your pet. This helps to reduce boredom.
- Socialize your pet with other animals and humans. This helps to build confidence, trust, and coping skills.
- Socialize your pet when they are young. They are more impressionable and curious, which helps make your pet less likely to develop fear and anxiety.
- When your pet is well socialized, they can interact positively with people, other animals, and many new and different environments that they may find themselves in.
Managing Unwanted Behaviours
- The key to managing unwanted behaviour is lots of patience.
- It’s important not to overreact when training your pet. Getting emotionally upset with accidents when potty training can confuse your pet and then make training more difficult.
- Training like potty training takes time, patience, and tolerance. Positively reinforce the time when your pet does it right. Use lots of praise and a redirection to the door outside or litter box is the best way to succeed when an accident occurs.
- Training begins when your pet enters the home. Recognize good acts from your pet at every opportunity. Your pet’s bad behaviour should also be identified and redirected toward the desired manner until it becomes routine.
Positive Reinforcement Training
- Positive reinforcement training is simply rewarding your pet for a desired behaviour. The reward could simply be lots of praise (like “good dog”) or a treat.
- Instead of punishing unwanted acts, positive reinforcement focuses on positive association with wanted behaviours.
- Positive reinforcement helps to build a strong bond with your pet. It does so by keeping them mentally and physically stimulated. Additionally, it reinforces and makes the training that you are doing fun!