Coprophagia (kow-pruh-fay-zhuh) is the medical term for poop eating. To humans this is a disgusting habit, but it is harmless to pet health unless the poop that the pet is eating contains parasites or disease from other animals.
What Can Cause Poop Eating in Pets?
The domestic dog evolved from the wolf. The wolf is a predator and scavenger. It is normal for dogs to smell and taste new and different things.
Eating poop is very normal during some stages of life. Nursing mothers will lick and groom their pups to stimulate a bowel movement. They will eat their pup’s feces for about the first month of the pup’s life.
Females in the wild will often eat poop close to their den to keep the area clean. This removes odours that might attract predators.
Health Conditions
Some health conditions and disease that can affect pet health can create hunger. If there is no food available then poop may be an option to a dog, remembering that they have evolved as a predator and scavenger.
- If the pet is fed a poor diet without inclusion of higher animal protein content and other nutritious ingredients, then the ingredients are not digested completely (get pooped out) and the pet may be attracted to the undigested food in poop.
- Feeding a poor diet can affect pet health and will likely cause imbalances within the body that may result in increase of appetite amongst other health issues. Feeding highly digestible healthy foods rich in animal protein and low carbohydrate will support pet health and may reduce poop eating.
Being Underfed
- If the pet is not fed enough food daily, then this affects the pet’s health, and they may eat poop to satisfy hunger.
Malabsorption Diseases
- Diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, obstruction or blockage (Tumors or growths) prevent proper digestion and absorption of food and so the pet may eat poop for minerals and other nutrients.
- If pets are taking steroids like prednisone, then this may increase hunger, and pets may turn to eating poop because they are hungry.
- Diseases like Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, and Adrenal Disease all can increase appetite.
- Boredom can cause poop eating. Poop eaters tend to go after frozen poop in the winter and in multiple dog homes can become a game as to who get the poop first, and it can be difficult to deal with. Isolation from being confined for long periods of time can also encourage poop eating due to boredom.
- Anxiety can result from stress when a pet is inappropriately punished from eating poop. This can lead to a vicious cycle of poop eating and punishment.
- When a Pet Guardian overreacts to a pet eating poop then that is still attention, and the pet may seek the attention they get when they eat poop.
Tips on How to Stop Poop Eating
It can be very frustrating to break the habit of poop eating. There is no one cure for this but by practicing some trial and error and finding one technique or a few or a combination of techniques to help stop the poop eating cycle the habit can be broken.
- A vet visit is the place to start to ensure that there are no underlying heath issues causing the behavior.
- If there are boredom or isolation issues, then spend more time with the pet.
- Consider a change in diet to a better-quality diet higher in animal protein to support the pet’s health.
- Try adding fiber like pumpkin. This may make the poop softer which may not be as attractive to the pet.
- Go out with the pet to pick up the poop as often as possible to avoid the chance to eat poop which may help to break the habit.
- When the pet goes for the poop use verbal training terms like “No” or “Leave it” or “Come” so the pet gets the message that you do not want the pet eating the poop.
- Try adding a digestive enzyme to the pet’s diet. This helps to increase protein digestion which results in a less desirable poop to eat.
- Put tabasco or hot sauce on the poops in the yard. This may deter the pet from eating poop.
- Try supplement remedies specifically formulated to deter poop eating.
- Engaging an animal trainer or behaviorist may help provide support.