Benefits of Regular Exercise
Daily exercise burns calories and helps your pet to maintain a normal, slightly lean body conformation.
- Regular exercise helps to tone the muscles of the body, including the heart. Well-conditioned muscles help support the skeletal system, including the body’s joints.
- Digestive health and a regular firm stool are dependent on regular exercise.
- Mental stimulation reduces stress, slows the aging process, prevents boredom, and lowers the potential for behavioral issues.
- Playing with people and other pets and walking in public areas open to pets can improve socialization skills and reduce the risk of adverse reactions to other pets or strange people.
- The tight bond between you and your pet depends on your close interactions associated with play, exercise, and challenges that you experience together.
- Exercising your pet also provides activity and stimulation for you. The time spent with a beloved pet can be a stress reliever and mood changer, and good exercise is good for both of you.
- Playtime is especially important early in a pet’s life and is a wonderful way to engage in active exercise. Playing can involve games, toys, challenges, and puzzles. Play for puppies and kittens helps to develop muscle skills and coordination and enhances the bond between you and your pet.
- Mental games can work to stimulate the brain, prevent boredom, and reduce stress. Without both mental and physical challenges, pets can experience behavioral issues, suffer from depression or separation anxiety, and/or can just be lethargic and tired most of the time.
- Changing up your walking route to a different path with new and exciting smells and terrain can satisfy both mental and physical needs for both you and your pet.
- Retrieving a ball, swimming, finding an object, catching a frisbee, and solving a puzzle are all great challenges that stimulate your pet’s mind and body (check out our options!)
- It’s important to understand that a “challenge” doesn’t mean frustrating your pet to the point where they give up or become stressed! We want to provide a puzzle of some kind that is difficult but possible to solve. Try hiding treats inside a toy, or around the house to stimulate hunting instincts.