Choosing the Right Dental Support Option      


Unfortunately, dry kibble does not have much effect on supporting dental health. There are pet kibbles that claim that they have dental benefits, most of those contain synthetic chemicals that are usually unacceptable to Pet Guardians looking for natural solutions to dental health. Try using the suggestions below alternatively or as a regular routine.

Raw diet can help to support dental health due to naturally occurring enzymes that help to protect the teeth and gums. Raw diet does not contain unnatural and damaging starches and sugars that promote unhealthy bacterial growth in the pet’s mouth.

Meaty Bones

Raw or smoked meaty bones encourage chewing, which provides cleaning of teeth and stimulates the pet’s gums. Never offer cooked bones as they can splinter.

Dental Treats

These treats are designed to help keep teeth and gums healthy and to help reduce the formation of plaque. Dental chews are a great everyday support for dental health. 

Dental Chews

These chews include hooves, bully sticks, body parts, smoked bones, and antlers. Using groves, nooks, and crevices to scrape the teeth and help to keep them clean, these chews are a great add to your pet’s dental routine. It is important to remove the chew when the piece is small enough to swallow to avoid potential intestinal blockages. (Pictured: Whimzees Stix and Brushzees).

Dental Chew Toys

Hard nylon chew toys come in all shapes and sizes and are made to keep your pet mentally stimulated and entertained. They are typically designed for aggressive chewers and help to support dental health by removing plaque and tartar.

Dental Wipes, Rinses, and Pads

These offer alternatives to Pet Guardians as an alternative to brushing.

Dental Gels and Sprays

These offer alternatives to Pet Guardians as an alternative to brushing. Gels and sprays reduce bacteria in the pet’s mouth and help to freshen breath. (Pictured: Pure & Natural Pet Dental Spray and Dental Kit)

Water Additives

Incorporating water additives to your pet’s drinking water daily can help their dental health. They help to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and help to freshen breath.


  • Probiotics will easily colonize in plaque and compete for colonization sites and food with harmful bacteria. Probiotics produce anti-bacterial by-products that discourage harmful bacteria in the mouth
  • Omega 3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation in the body, including the mouth.
  • Coconut oil is antimicrobial and can help reduce the level of bacteria in the mouth.
  • Supplements specifically designed to be effective against bad breath, tartar, and plaque build up and improve oral health are available. PlaqueOff will soften existing tartar making it easier to remove with a toothbrush or chew.

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